The Lycra Company : The latest denim innovations

May 13th, 2021 – By PROMOSTYLThe Lycra Company : The latest denim innovationsIntroduced by the American textile chemical company DuPont, lycra was created during the  Second World War to replace silk and rubber which were requisitioned for military equipment. As  the first truly synthetic fiber, it quickly made its mark on the rest of the…

Greenwashing is in fashion: an eco-responsible wardrobe

May 13th, 2021 – By PromostylGreenwashing is in fashion: an eco-responsible wardrobeWe see it everywhere in all designers and all major brands, fashion becomes eco-responsible. It is  today and still for a long time the key words of a good marketable collection. Ecology becomes  the number one selling point before trend, cost and comfort.We know…

Linen made in France, a localized production

May 06th, 2021 – By PROMOSTYLLinen made in France, a localized productionWishing to produce more and more French at the request of the consumer who found the desire to buy natural and local products, companies ask for eco-responsible and locally produced textiles. The cultivation of flax has become an obvious choice in the innovation of…

Towodesign’s new design and architectural project

May 06th, 2021 – By Retail Design BlogTowodesign’s new design and architectural projectTowodesign has created an exhibition hall in china, allowing people to deeply understand the relationship between cave dwellings and passive houses from the perspectives of art, future, and life. The project translates the abstract and professional concept of passive houses into an interesting,…

Sneaker District in Amsterdam gets a makeover

April 29th, 2021 – By PROMOSTYLSneaker District in Amsterdam gets a makeoverIn the sneaker world, you have to be impeccable. With their presence on social networks, brands  and streetwear retailers have to be excellent in their shopping experience, to make the link they  already have with their customers virtually last. That’s why the retailer Sneakers…

The Union embroideryspecialist and itsSwiss know-how

April 22nd, 2021 – By PROMOSTYLThe Union embroidery specialist and its Swiss know-howFounded nearly 260 years ago, in 1759, Union is an embroidery company based in St.Gallen,Switzerland, the birth place of embroidery. In the 1950s, the company became known world wide thanks to the world of haute couture.The arrival of new technologies and machines will…