Promostyl detects the early micro-trends, so you can anticipate your future decisions.
Promostyl detects the early micro-trends, so you can anticipate your future decisions.
• Colors : presentation of the 40 colors of the season and their applications in Fashion, Print, Texture & Design.
• Women : trend forecasts for Women Casual and Timeless.
• Sport : trend forecasts for Streetwear and Sport Expert.
Presentation video. To access Subtitles, click on and select your language.
Forecast Book
Printed edition $2550
Presentation video. To access Subtitles, click on and select your language.
Forecast Book
Printed edition $2400
Digital edition $1560
Presentation video. To access Subtitles, click on and select your language.
Forecast Book
Printed edition $2400
Digital edition $1560
• Colors : presentation of the 40 colors of the season and their applications in Fashion, Print, Texture & Design.
Presentation video. To access Subtitles, click on and select your language.
Forecast Book
Printed edition $2550
• Women : trend forecasts for Casual and Timeless women.
Presentation video. To access Subtitles, click on and select your language.
Forecast Book
Printed edition $2400
Digital edition $1560
• Sport : Streetwear and Sport Expert trend forecasts.
Presentation video. To access Subtitles, click on and select your language.
Forecast Book
Printed edition $2400
Digital edition $1560
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