PREMIERE CLASSEPremière classe kicks off October with the opening of its show, which ran from September 29 to October 2, 2023 at the Jardin des Tuileries in Paris.The success of the show is clear to see, with a 25% increase in the number of new buyers. The show has certainly made a name for itself,…


TEXWORLDTexworld is set to open its doors in February 2024! The Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) will be on hand to show visitors their creations and talents, as well as highlighting Pakistan’s apparel and textile industry.Profit What’s up? Get your tickets now! From February 5 to 7, 2024 at Porte de Versailles, Paris.


Pitti immagineLuca Magliano will be at Pitti Uomo in Florence from January 9 to 12, 2024. A rather nostalgic event for our designer as it was at Pitti Uomo that he made his debut in 2018 with the Guardaroba collection.PREZIOSA MAGAZINE”It was at Pitti that our project first manifested itself five years ago, with this…