Since its creation in 2007, Denim Première Vision has established itself as an essential, innovative and unifying event for the international denim community. Season after season, the event reinvents itself to adapt to the needs of a demanding and constantly evolving industry, meeting the expectations of brands and consumers in perpetual search of exclusivity and inspiration.



Since 2018, Denim Première Vision has been touring Europe’s major cities, setting up its event in a new metropolis for each edition. Paris, Milan, London and Berlin have already welcomed the denim community. What will be the next destination?



For each edition, a community of denim manufacturers and craftsmen come together. From Europe, Turkey and Asia, these professionals pool their know-how to offer a comprehensive, high-quality selection. Eco-responsibility is at the heart of the show, both in the products on offer and at the conferences and round tables. The next edition will take place on December 4 and 5, 2024 at Superstudio Più in Milan, Italy.