In the contemporary fashion landscape, the emergence of new independent brands brings a breath of creativity and originality.
With this in mind, Promostyl is a fervent supporter of brands such as Sayed, a young artisanal label that perfectly embodies the spirit of unisex streetwear. Founded by Stéphanie Sayed, this brand stands out for its famous “Bleu 314”, a bold and distinctive hue.



In the pop-up store provided by Promostyl at 5 Passage Thiéré, 75011, until May 5, from 11:00 am to 7:30 pm, Sayed proudly displays his first two collections: “Sayed314”, a vibrant tribute to the painter Yves Klein, and “Sayed90”, which draws its inspiration from the 90s and hip-hop culture.
But what makes Sayed truly unique is his willingness to mix materials in unexpected ways, resulting in pieces that are both original and singular.



Sayed also offers a customization and made-to-measure service, enabling each customer to actively participate in the creative process.
This innovative approach meets a growing demand for personalization and authenticity in the fashion world.



Through its commitment to promoting young talent, Promostyl confirms its role as a springboard for emerging brands, offering a space conducive to their development and influence.

By encouraging innovation and creativity, Promostyl contributes to shaping a diverse and dynamic fashion landscape, where every brand can find its place and flourish.