27 October 2022 – By Promostyl


The fashion house Nanushka, based in Budapest since 2006 by Sandra Sandor, is constantly perfecting its circular system and proposing a vision of creative, conscious and sustainable fashion. The company promises to improve the performance of the fashion industry in the field of environmental responsibility by joining the "Make Fashion Circular" program created by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation alongside many brands such as Nike, Gap and Burberry.

BY NANUSHKA (Sélectionnée par Promostyl)
BY NANUSHKA (Sélectionnée par Promostyl)

Nanushka offers clothing that is durable, using recycled resources that are themselves renewable. In order to reduce waste, and the eternal repurchase of clothes, it offers a system of repairing their clothes as well as renting them on the HURR platform. The brand promises not to waste any fabric, in fact if the clothes cannot be repaired then they will be recycled through collaborations with universities. Any remaining fabric can also be sold or donated to make theatrical costumes or to develop skills in disadvantaged local communities.

BY NANUSHKA (Sélectionnée par Promostyl)
BY NANUSHKA (Sélectionnée par Promostyl)

Nanushka aims to make each piece sustainable and extend its life cycle as much as possible. In addition to this engagement and desire to consume fashion in a responsible way, she innovates and proposes her fabric OKOBOR. This is an alternative to leather, similar in quality and appearance, which unlike leather, does not come from any animal. It is composed of 56% recycled polyester and 44% polyurethane. Called "vegan leather", Nanushka offers a whole collection of contemporary silhouettes in this textile that not only allows us to be more respectful of the environment but also demonstrates a real commitment to the animal cause.

BY NANUSHKA (Sélectionnée par Promostyl)
BY NANUSHKA (Sélectionnée par Promostyl)