While awaiting its announced collaboration with the rapper Kekra, which will be released in 2019, the legendary streetwear brand Homecore has opened a colourful graphic pop-up store on the Champs-Élysées in Paris. Designed by the studio Malka Architecture, the venue showcases solid blocks of colour that reference graffiti and the brand’s street roots, as well as its values extolling a fun and joyful attitude.

Selected by PROMOSTYL
a reference to graffiti art

The pop-up is structured by pure, bright solid blocks of colour from the colour wheel to create high-impact visual effects, like those produced using Newton’s prism. Colour therefore gives the space its structure, just like the choice of materials would.

Selected by PROMOSTYL

This design is inspired by drawings made using the famous Krylon spray can and makes reference to graffiti art and street culture represented by Homecore.

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colour therapy

As well as giving the space a strong and highly photogenic visual dimension, the pop-up’s colours also reflect what Homecore’s designer, Alexandre Guarneri, defines as “colour therapy”. Homecore, one of the first streetwear brands founded 25 years ago, champions a joyful and supportive optimistic attitude and lifestyle. We can recall the brand’s clothing labels that used to hide messages such as “today I will tell you that I love you” and other positive thoughts.

Selected by PROMOSTYL
Selected by PROMOSTYL

The pop-up is therefore an extension of Homecore’s whole culture, which distances itself from the minimalist, bland and at times aseptic decors of certain modern stores.

Selected by PROMOSTYL