Embark on a captivating journey to the heart of the denim world with an exceptional panel featuring four legendary figures – Jimmy Taverniti, Adriano Goldschmied, François Girbaud and Marithé Bachellerie.
They’ll share their experiences of denim culture, which are revolutionary, daring… and a little crazy. Pushing the boundaries of creativity and shaking up industry norms,
these titans have left an indelible mark on the jeanswear landscape.
In this groundbreaking talk, these industry heavyweights open up their visionary minds and explore the past, present and innovations that will shape the future of denim.
A shot of inspiration, driven by the audacity and craziness of denim’s most emblematic leaders. Rendez-vous on June 5th and 6th, 2024 in Superstudio Piu, Milan.